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Immersive Student Entrepreneurship Grant

The Northeast Michigan Regional Prosperity Collaborative, a private, public and non-profit partnership formed to develop and promote a shared vision for economic prosperity in the area, completed a 10-year talent plan for the region approximately two years ago. The plan, which takes a comprehensive approach to addressing talent shortages in the region as well as a job market that is softer than surrounding areas, identified many strategies for area leaders. One such key strategy is the need to further develop, encourage and promote an entrepreneurial culture in the region.

Much like the rest of Michigan, the Northeast Region has a labor market history of relying on traditional blue-collared jobs. Previously, these jobs delivered good wages and a great deal of security, though global and national economic trends have changed this. Whether through automation, outsourcing or other labor market changes, these types of jobs are now less secure and often pay less, in relative terms. For these reasons, among many others, area leaders have recognized the importance of supporting existing entrepreneurs in the area as well as investing in the future of entrepreneurship in Northeast Michigan.

The area’s Collaborative Development Council (CDC) and its partners recognized that we must begin by working with youth, which is why the group reserved funding for a school-based youth entrepreneurship effort. The CDC through the Immersive Student Entrepreneurship Grant awarded $15,000 of seed funding for participating schools as well as working with successful local entrepreneurs to provide further support and assistance. 

Although these grant funds were all dispersed by November, 2019, we will be posting success stories from this program here very soon.

For more information, please contact us.